
Looking Forward To The New School Year

Looking Forward To The New School Year

The Wellness & Prevention Center has been supporting families as they return back to school for five years, and there are some common concerns that we hear from teens, families, and educators each year. I have been in touch with administrators at our middle and...

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Downward Trend in Youth Vaping: How can we sustain it?

Downward Trend in Youth Vaping: How can we sustain it?

A recent study published in the Journal of American Public Health reports that 67.7% of youth surveyed reported decreasing or quitting e-cigarette use during the COVID-19 pandemic. This promising trend comes only two years after the US Surgeon General declared youth...

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Celebrating our Teens

Celebrating our Teens

On June 3rd, I had the honor of awarding high school diplomas to the students in the class of 2021 - in person and in front of their loved ones. I was particularly thankful to hold a traditional graduation ceremony for this group of teens who spent the last 15 months...

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Please Pay Attention to Your Mental Wellbeing

Please Pay Attention to Your Mental Wellbeing

You might notice that there are a lot of green ribbons during the month of May. May was designated Mental Health Awareness Month by Mental Health America in 1949, to bring attention to the 18.1% of Americans who experience the diseases of mental health. The majority...

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Helping Youth Thrive

Helping Youth Thrive

Last month, I wrote about a few of the outstanding youth leaders in South Orange County. While profiling these youth, I took time to reflect on the qualities these youth have that help them follow their passions and make a difference in their communities. And even...

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Youth in the Spotlight

Youth in the Spotlight

The Wellness & Prevention Center believes that empowering youth is key to successful prevention efforts and building healthy communities. In March, we honor the young people who choose to make a difference in the lives of their peers and community. From campus...

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Teens, Stress, and a Pandemic

Teens, Stress, and a Pandemic

Stress is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances”, and during a global pandemic, to say we are all under some amount of stress would likely be an understatement. This is no less true for the...

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‘Tis the Season to Support One Another

‘Tis the Season to Support One Another

This will be a year that we want to forget, but unfortunately the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic will be with us for many years to come. A large portion of our population has suffered disproportionately from this crisis, and I applaud those who have found ways...

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Prevention Works When a Community Works Together

Prevention Works When a Community Works Together

The Wellness & Prevention Coalition is a federally-funded Drug Free Communities (DFC) coalition that leads efforts to support healthy habits among children and their families. The mission of DFC coalitions nationwide is to reduce youth substance use through...

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Finding Your Anchor During Challenging Times

Finding Your Anchor During Challenging Times

In 2018, 48,344 Americans died by suicide - an average of 132 per day. It is the leading cause of death for teens nationwide. The CDC announced that, in a survey conducted this spring, 1 in 4 young people ages 18-25 reported seriously considering suicide in the past...

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