Keeping Spirits Bright
As we transition from Thanksgiving into the winter holidays, I find myself both excited and a little anxious as in the past I was known in my family for being so worried about the perfect Christmas that I often turned into the Grinch. Now, a few years older and wiser,...
Current Drug and Alcohol Trends Among Today’s Young People
Both parents and educational professionals often ask me what substances young people seem to use the most and what today’s trends are. Often, adults who pose this question have a preconceived notion of what the predominant substances are and, not surprisingly these...
Taking Care of Our Mental Health
When discussing mental health, many of us have ideas and perceptions, but not a clear idea about when to seek help. Culture and society contribute to both misconceptions and stigma surrounding mental health symptoms and seeking mental health care. At the Wellness...
Can’t Put a Price on the Value of Community
A huge thank you to Love San Clemente for deep-cleaning the offices of the Wellness & Prevention Center. Our staff feels healthier and more productive, thanks to all your hard work. Love San Clemente is an annual event sponsored by the faith community. The focus...
Honoring Your Teen’s Independence
A newly independent nation’s struggle to differentiate from their former rulers and the challenges that teens face as they practice the adult skills they need to liberate from their parents are very similar. Just like a newly formed government, teens are trying to...
Congratulations Graduates, Celebrate Safely
June is an exciting time of year, particularly for our high school graduates and their families. May and June are also the months where youth impaired (this includes illegal substance use, distractions and cell phone use) driving accidents peak. Tie a red ribbon on...
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 1 in 5 children ages 13-18 in the US experience a severe mental disorder in a given year and mood disorders are the third leading cause of hospitalizations for Americans aged 18-44. Most likely...
Why You Should See “Race To Nowhere”
On April 16th, 2018 at 6:45 PM, the Wellness & Prevention Coalition is pleased to announce that Vicki Abeles, Director of the award-winning documentary Race to Nowhere will be here to show her film and answer questions in the Little Theater at San Clemente High...
Do You Know About the Juul? Your Teen Probably Does.
Acetaldehyde, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, isoprene, lead, nickel, n-nitrosonornicotine, and toluene have been found in e-cigarettes and vapes. Sadly, the FDA decided to allow Phillip Morris to advertise a vaping device as “safer than cigarettes.” And even more...
New Pathways to Thriving Adulthood
This month I asked our Teen Toolbox speaker for February, Pam Roy, to be my guest columnist and to introduce her topic and entice you to join us for a discussion on the rapidly evolving workplace. Pam has amazing insight for teens and parents regarding how the...