Both parents and educational professionals often ask me what substances young people seem to use the most and what today’s trends are. Often, adults who pose this question have a preconceived notion of what the predominant substances are and, not surprisingly these...
Drug Awareness
Congratulations Graduates, Celebrate Safely
June is an exciting time of year, particularly for our high school graduates and their families. May and June are also the months where youth impaired (this includes illegal substance use, distractions and cell phone use) driving accidents peak. Tie a red ribbon on...
Do You Know About the Juul? Your Teen Probably Does.
Acetaldehyde, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, isoprene, lead, nickel, n-nitrosonornicotine, and toluene have been found in e-cigarettes and vapes. Sadly, the FDA decided to allow Phillip Morris to advertise a vaping device as “safer than cigarettes.” And even more...
Students represent city at anti-drug conference in Washington, D.C., more
San Clemente High School students Yuki Dias and Helen Calderon are back from Washington, D.C., where they represented San Clemente at a Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America conference. During their trip Feb. 6-9 they met with congressional representatives Darrell...
Carefully Think About Legalizing Marijuana
How might legalizing recreational marijuana affect our youth? Here are the facts you need to know. 26: The number of cities, out of 31, that have voted to ban recreational sales of marijuana after previously voting for it. 29%: The increase in marijuana-related ER...
Parents: The Homecoming parade and dance almost here.
Parents:With the Homecoming parade and dance almost here, have you set some guidelines and expectations for your teen while they’re out celebrating? Drugs and alcohol may be present at any of the events before and after the parade, game and dance, so it’s important to...
October is Red Ribbon Month
October is Red Ribbon month and our local schools and city will be honoring this day through activities that aim to educate, advocate and provide resources to youth and families about the negative outcomes caused by the illegal drug industry. The first Red Ribbon week...
We All Need to Talk About Accidental Overdoses
Monday was International Overdose Awareness Day. An average of five people died of overdose every hour in the United States in 2011 and overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death nationwide, according to the Center for Disease Control. Sadly, most families...
“It is not just weed”
The data is in that medical marijuana laws have not significantly increased the number of youth using marijuana. However there is concern that newer blasé attitudes towards marijuana amongst adults and kids have resulted in more frequent use among youth and an...
Lecturers discuss legalized marijuana
The Orange County Register, April 14, 2015 By Fred Swegles/staff writer About 300 South County students, parents and community members got a taste of what marijuana legalization could bring to California if the state follows Colorado’s lead. Guest speakers Ben Cort...