Blog Category

Raising Teens

Keeping Spirits Bright

As we transition from Thanksgiving into the winter holidays, I find myself both excited and a little anxious as in the past I was known in my family for being so worried about the perfect Christmas that I often turned into the Grinch. Now, a few years older and wiser,...

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Can’t Put a Price on the Value of Community

A huge thank you to Love San Clemente for deep-cleaning the offices of the Wellness & Prevention Center. Our staff feels healthier and more productive, thanks to all your hard work. Love San Clemente is an annual event sponsored by the faith community. The focus...

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Congratulations Graduates, Celebrate Safely

June is an exciting time of year, particularly for our high school graduates and their families. May and June are also the months where youth impaired (this includes illegal substance use, distractions and cell phone use) driving accidents peak. Tie a red ribbon on...

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Do You Know About the Juul? Your Teen Probably Does.

Acetaldehyde, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, isoprene, lead, nickel, n-nitrosonornicotine, and toluene have been found in e-cigarettes and vapes. Sadly, the FDA decided to allow Phillip Morris to advertise a vaping device as “safer than cigarettes.” And even more...

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Wellness & Prevention: Choose Acceptance

When you Google the phrase “change is hard,” there are over 122 million results. Some results are just validating what we already know, and other results give some decent advice about how we can all make a real effort for lasting and effective change. As we start out...

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Carefully Think About Legalizing Marijuana

How might legalizing recreational marijuana affect our youth? Here are the facts you need to know.  26: The number of cities, out of 31, that have voted to ban recreational sales of marijuana after previously voting for it.  29%: The increase in marijuana-related ER...

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Parents: The Homecoming parade and dance almost here.

Parents:With the Homecoming parade and dance almost here, have you set some guidelines and expectations for your teen while they’re out celebrating? Drugs and alcohol may be present at any of the events before and after the parade, game and dance, so it’s important to...

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October is Red Ribbon Month, Saluting Drug-Free Lifestyles

October is Red Ribbon Month, and our schools and city will be commemorating this day through activities that aim to educate, advocate and provide resources to youth and families about the negative outcomes caused by the illegal drug industry. The first Red Ribbon week...

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Celebrate Traditions and Gratitude This Holiday Season

Now that my children are grown and have moved out of the house, I have time, a commodity that seemed much more precious when we were raising them to leave us and find their place in the world. As Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are often about gratefulness, I...

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