Two weeks ago, youth leaders from San Clemente High School attended The Center at Sierra Health Foundation – Youth Suicide Prevention Programs annual convening – Tomorrow Together: Youth Suicide Prevention Program.

Wellness & Prevention Center staff accompanied Miranda Arzola and Victoria Mota (SCHS 12th graders) to learn and share about youth mental health and wellness. During the convening, youth and adults from across California had the opportunity to learn more about the Statewide suicide prevention campaign Never a Bother, and engage with other organizations working in the field of suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Funded by the California Department of Health (CDHP) the Never a Bother Campaign was co-developed with youth to reduce youth suicide among.

According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2022 suicide was the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10-14 and 25-34 and the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year old’s.  The Never a Bother Campaign seeks to address this growing public health crisis both statewide and at the local level through community based outreach efforts. The campaign offers help for friends concerned about their friends, caregivers and for youth who may be at risk. 

The summit kicked off with a moving poem about mental health by youth artist and activist Jazmyne Bradform who set the tone for the rest of the convening. Her poem echoed the conference theme “Tomorrow Together”, and the power of community in fostering mental health and building resiliency. Bradform emphasized the significance of creating connections for those struggling with suicidal thoughts and offering hope for a brighter tomorrow.

During the summit, Miranda Arzola was one of 5 youth panelists who discussed the connection between culture, social media and mental health. Of her experience Miranda said “It was a very eye-opening and fun experience. I have never gotten the opportunity to be in an environment where I feel accepted, heard, and valued, until the Tomorrow Together Summit. Being on the panel allowed me to feel like my opinion and story mattered amongst all. Everyone was so welcoming and kind.” 

Victoria and Miranda also had the opportunity to be interviewed for the campaign. They were passionate about addressing the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide prevention within the Latinx community. By sharing their personal experiences and those of their peers, they highlighted the challenges and barriers faced by the Latinx community and their families. Raising awareness of these issues is crucial to understanding them and encouraging open dialogue. The Never a Bother Campaign is a valuable platform for these students to amplify their voices and advocate for change.

Following the event Victoria said “I had an amazing experience! This [event] made me realize there are so many other people struggling with mental health and they don’t have people they can talk to at home. It made me feel safe and welcome knowing I wasn’t alone!”

According to the CDHP, addressing suicide must be a comprehensive, cross-sector effort focused on both risk and protective factors at the individual, family, community, and systems level. This program is one effort taking place in California to address youth suicide. Grantees (including the Wellness & Prevention Center) participating in this program use a variety of strategies to prevent suicide which include outreach and education for parents and youth, referral and resource connections, and amplifying the youth voice through clubs, groups, and listening sessions. As the Wellness & Prevention Center transitions into the second year of this grant, more content and programs will concentrate on caregivers and their role in supporting the youth in their lives. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or considering suicide please call the National Suicide Help line at 988. Also, have a conversation about mental health with someone you love, the more we discuss mental health the more likely we will reach out for help.


Lauren Gallegos, ACSW, is the Director of Prevention at the Wellness & Prevention Center and oversees the Youth Suicide Prevention Media and Outreach Campaign Program funded by the Center at Sierra Health Foundation.