SCHS Vol Drug testing Dowload

I encourage you to sign up for the voluntary drug testing program (the red flyer).  Your teen may suggest otherwise and may even ask “don’t you trust me?”  but, as parents, we know it’s not about trust.  It’s about giving our child a reason to say “no” to their peers and keeping them safe.

There is a significant uptick in substance abuse including prescription drugs, and according to the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, the use of HGH by athletes has doubled in the past year.  No parent thinks that their child will ever have a substance abuse problem – yet one person dies almost every day in Orange County.

By participating in this program your teen can use this as an excuse when faced with a difficult decision and can say  “No, I can’t  – I may be drug tested.”

How it Works
Several times a year, an independent agency randomly selects students, whose parents have signed the drug testing form, to screen for illegal substances.   The confidential results of these screens are sent to the parents and the school is not informed.

If your teen tests positive, you will receive information about services outside of school through California Youth Services to help your teen.  You can also contact Susan Parmelee, MSW, at the Wellness & Prevention Center, SCHS, confidentially, for guidance about addiction and mental health questions.

I encourage you to discuss your reasons for signing the form with your teen and use this an as opportunity to have a meaningful conversation.